Whitney Reinhart
Reader - Writer - Observer - Editor
Welcome to meanderyme!
My first novel, SAVING EVA, is available for purchase! You can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, AppleBooks, Kobo, BAM!, and so many more!
In a lifelong (and not at all weird) love affair with the written word, I believe everyone can write effectively. Whether you are composing emails, research papers, or conjuring epic high fantasy, if the writing distracts from the purpose, the message is lost. I have a knack for clearing away narrative rubble and exposing the best path for a story without disrupting the beauty of the journey.
Contributing member, and #SPFBO9 judge, of the Stabby nominated BeforeWeGo book blogging team!
Be sure to follow my book review blog, meanderymereads, over on Blogspot! (You can also find the link under the For Readers tab at the top of the page.)
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Expanding and Exploring the Creative Mind Through Attention to Detail. Be Intentional.